Which one would
you rather have on your truck?

When you think cable testing, what comes to mind?
Odds are your first thought was Fluke.
We get it.
They’ve been the industry standard seemingly forever. But that doesn’t mean they should be your default.
Softing has been quietly developing quality testers for years. And we’re excited to introduce you to what very well could become a Fluke-killer… the NetXpert XG2.
Here’s the robust functionality you’ll find under the hood:
- Bit error rate test (BERT)
- Cable tester
- Active network tester
- POE tester
- Professional grade reporting
A tester you can connect to switches and routers using copper, fiber, wireless or POE.
Any testing device worth its salt needs to include a bit error rate test, BERT. Softing delivers one in spades. Regardless of the speed you need, 100Mbits/sec, 1Gbits/sec, 5Gbits/sec or 10Gbits/sec, verifying performance and checking errors becomes a breeze with the XG2 — throughout the entire link.
For comparison’s sake, Fluke’s qualifiers only go up to 1Gbit/sec and don’t have bi-directional BERT. What does that mean in layman’s terms? If your connection is faster than that, Fluke can’t test at your actual data rate.
In other words, Softing’s NetXpert XG2 is the only 10G BERT, SNR, delay skew tester for copper and fiber.
You may not need all that firepower though. Like Fluke’s line, the XG2 comes with options at four price points, with varying capabilities to fit your particular need. They’re also expandable and upgradable. When you grow, your tester comes with you.
Whether it’s network discovery, pinging, detecting duplicate IPs, saving money by proving old cables can still handle current data rates or more, the XG2 from Softing is a helluva tool.
The crystal clear 7-inch touch display is a, well, nice touch.
Click here to learn more.
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