Meet ProLabs

Welcome to ProLabs: a family of fully compatible optical and copper transceivers.
But wait, you’re thinking, I have to go OEM for my transceivers, right? A third party can’t possibly work. And what about the warranty on my host device?
We hear you, and quite frankly those were our concerns too; however, the answers to those questions, plus the build quality, are why we’re telling you about ProLabs in the first place.
OEM dominance has been a burden the entire industry has carried for too long – and at too high of an expense to be tenable.
Think of ProLabs almost like the “generics” that constitute Amazon Basics or that you’d find on the shelves at Target or Costco. But with superior quality... guaranteed.
These SFPs (and SFP+ and XFP and SFP28 and QSFP+ and QSFP28 and QSFP-DD — they’ve got it all) are compatible with just about everything you use. From Avaya to Zyxel and everything in between, including functionality across 100 OEM environments covering 20,000 systems and platforms.
Oh, and that guarantee on transceivers is a lifetime warranty.
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