A New Use for
Your Floor Pan

Floor pans normally go where? Yea, we know. The answer is in the name.
You typically have them on the ground to keep your wire basket or tray off the floor, which allows space for other systems to stay put.
That’s exactly how the 4- or 6-inch floor pans are used 99% of the time. It's probably how you're using them right now.
Here’s the thing, you may be able to solve a different space problem by using these floor pans in another way. Not only that, but you'll also help keep the integrity of your structured cable’s intact more easily.
Invert the floor pan and put it on top of your rack.
The 6” pan, in particular, tends to make the perfect amount of space between an equipment rack and the basket tray. Atop that upturned and inverted pan you can now attach the basket cable tray and effortlessly run the cables down to the cable managers. Here is a recent installation from a customer:

Placing the floor pan on top of the rack lets cable gently cascade down, avoiding the sharp corners and tight bends that are the kiss of death for cable performance.
Full credit to our team member Lori for her eagle eye in spotting this Capital Idea. Whenever we come across a different use for a product you may already have you know we’re going to share it with you.
Give us a call to learn about other space (and wire) saving solutions you may benefit from.
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